“It is always a common goal to make something beautiful out of a project together.”

I have been working at Valstar Simonis since 2003. Advancing from engineer to Senior Project Leader. Time flies when you enjoy doing the work. In designs, I always strive for practical solutions that are easy and usable for users. That behind easily usable installations, technically complex systems are hidden, is the interesting thing about our profession.

My goal is to work as a team with the client, architects and consultants during the design phase. But also during realization with installers. Each party has its own interests but the one common goal is to turn a project into something beautiful.

The variation in projects and working together in changing teams make the work varied. The developments in technology, sustainability and ever-changing regulations make designing fascinating for me. How nice it is to turn your hobby into your job and then apply and share your knowledge.

Examples of the variety of projects I have worked on that are full of technical innovations are the renovation of one of the buildings of the Rabobank headquarters, the University Library for the UvA in Amsterdam and Y tower in Amsterdam, renovation and expansion of building Ba at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam.

Rob Koene
Senior Project Leader