TUE Atlas interior hall

Atlas wins Dirk Roosenburg Prize 2019

The main building of the TU/e, Atlas, has won the Dirk Roosenburg Prize 2019. This architecture prize from the municipality of Eindhoven is awarded every two years. This concerns both the jury prize and the audience prize. The renovation was designed by TEAM RSVP consisting of Team V Architecture, Van Rossum, Valstar Simonis and Peutz.

According to the jury, the project is characterized by “the special attention to sustainability and a clear and powerful architecture and is the calling card of the transformation of the TU/e ​​Campus into an open science park of international allure”. Team RSVP “combines respect for Van Embden's architecture with innovative and daring architectural interventions”, according to the jury report.

The building officially opened its doors last March and has been transformed into one of the most sustainable schools in the world. Earlier this year, Eindhoven University of Technology received the 'BREEAM Outstanding' delivery certificate with a nice final score of 96.01%. Some of the building's features are the smart glass facade, a healthy working environment, lots of daylight and innovative energy-efficient systems for heating, lighting and solar panels.
The Dirk Roosenburg Prize is named after the architect (1887 – 1962) who often worked for Philips on commission. He designed the Witte Dame, the Philips Bedrijfsschool Kastanjelaan, the Natlab at Strijp-S and was closely involved in the design of the Light Tower.



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